That's right I'm giving away 10 free avatar cartoons to the same specs to my avatar on the left.

Here are the Rules:

1) Post a picture that you want converting in to a character cartoon.

2) You can post as many times as you like, but you must have at least 5 posts between each post you make.

3) The lucky Post numbers are 6, 13, 29, 53, 56, 77, 88, 101, 122, 139.

4) If I happen to reply and get one of those numbers in the thread then the winning number will roll over one digit.

5) This is limited to one cartoon per person so you can't win twice and if someone does happen to post again and win a number then that winning number will be rolled over 1 digit.

6) We will start the work as and when each winning post is reached so make sure you leave your contact details in the post.

7) Posts are counted by the post count number on the RIGHT.

8) Toons take 2-3 per order due to demand, allow 7 days on this competition.