Originally posted by Gary-Alan
Sorry I've turned this from My Passion to My Plantings... Sorry Bell LOL

Bel - here is one of my passions. Plants. When I need to get away from it all, or just need time to think things through one thing I always do is grab some pots, potting soil, seeds or clippings and head out side. I have more passions that I'll share in the morning But this is definetely one of them.

My best,

not to worry... I love plants too...
I wish I had a greenhouse...
does anyone here have a greenhouse ??

I like all sorts of plants...

I don't know why but lately I enjoy a dish with a variety
of cactus and small gravel in a zen like smooth pattern
with a tiny rake... it's soothing to gently move the top layer
around ... originally it was just a large shallow pot bottom
with fine fine sand and a mini itty bitty rake for the swirling
and manipulating the sand into patterns... then cactus was added...
I should have put them in something else... I miss having JUST
my zen dish... it was sitting on a short bookcase with a water
fountain next to it... love the sound of water dripping from rocks...
