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  1. #1
    Originally posted by Bec
    Who said I don't have one?? LOL I'll try to remember to grab a few shots of them this year.

    oh boy.... now you've gone and done it...
    you've let little Bell KNOW you have a digital CAMERA...

    what about a webcam ?? (giggle...)


  2. #2
    Originally posted by DigitalJay
    beautiful Magenta flowers that look like little feather dusters and they smell like passion fruit,
    sounds pretty...

    hey - that reminds me - you posted somewhere about a new project
    you are developing for product sales - have you gotten any
    closer to your goal on that ??


  3. #3
    Originally posted by ozmalegalleries
    What can I say but thanks for the compliment - we aussies know we're hot. We forgive you for the weeds that turn up in Australian and choke our natural habitats and we're sending snails to you in return!:p

    It probably isn't a weed in the US, just watch it though, with all the climate change you might just have a problem on your hands.



    ahhhh.... you KNOW you're HOT huh...
    I saw your shower picture somewhere... (nice....)
    way too many articles of clothing...
    can't you rectify that ??????? (HERE)


  4. #4
    AusCoding Allan

    Short of drugging me, none of the guys or gals on this board are gonna get me to remove my clothing except in my bedroom with them present

    If I one day decide that I'm the hottest guy on earth we might see what we can do about getting a GWW exlusive happening but until then - let you imagination run wild!



  5. #5
    Originally posted by BDBionic
    Should I be worried that I've thought a couple times about what my answer in this thread would be and haven't yet been able to come up with anything conclusive?

    it doesn't have to be impressive...
    it doesn't have to be outrageous...
    it doesn't have to be permanent...

    just share a bit with us... (with me) with us...

    I bet you are waiting till TUESDAY, aren't you....
    little brat...

    I want to know now though...
    get your mind off your new toy for a few moments and
    share... dagnabit...


  6. #6
    Originally posted by Gary-Alan
    So far I've nailed down one here in this thread... The other I've written ARE passions but at the same time I'm finding more LOL And I'm finding that those I thought were my true passions aren't.

    It's just too cool!

    isn't it exhilarating to discover either a new passion
    or find a renewed interest in a long forgotten passion ??

    what were some of your passions in the past that you have
    either outgrown - or put aside... ??

    that question would be a good one for everyone...


  7. #7
    Originally posted by ozmalegalleries

    Short of drugging me, none of the guys or gals on this board are gonna get me to remove my clothing except in my bedroom with them present

    If I one day decide that I'm the hottest guy on earth we might see what we can do about getting a GWW exlusive happening but until then - let you imagination run wild!



    brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat... brat...

    what about your feet ??


  8. #8
    Originally posted by Gary-Alan
    Ok here are the passions of my life. I kept adding and changing this but after a day or two of just looking at it I realized the first 4 I wrote truly are my passions…

    My Family and Friends, these two words are almost interchangeable for me. When someone is my friend they become my family. And if you’re my family there is very little I will not do to protect and cherish. And as Lee and Bell said, fuck with one of mine and you’re in more trouble than you can imagine. I will open heaven or raise hell for these people, as some of you already know.

    Plants - while I don’t have as much time as I’d like for this, I love potting and planting things. It’s one of those hobbies that can take me away from myself for a moment, connects my nature to nature. I simply love going to the local home store and finding these crappy little clippings that everyone else avoids – I bring them home and in a few weeks they are full and happy. I have an aloe plant that the store clerk threw into my bag because he thought it was a piece of dead twig now it’s four feet wide. I actually avoided this for a ling time, but growing up with my parents, you just learn it without trying. I’m looking forward to fencing in our property and start planning a proper garden.

    My spirituality… I’m not sure if this is the right word or not. I’m an extremely spiritual person and teach many people about it. This isn’t a religion, but a way of life; and, extremely important to me.

    Holistics – this is actually the one field I found my calling. For years I looked not only at medicine as a way to health but home remedies and the frame of mind of a person. This is actually what I did my two degrees in. And, one day I will finish my thesis to complete my PhD in Holistic Psychology (should have been completed 6 months ago). This also ties in closely to my spirituality.

    So there you go! My official list


    I KNEW it was going to be the first 2 - and in that order...
    but I didn't know about the Spirituality or the Holistics...

    thanks for sharing...

    what sorts of things do you study in holistics ??

    how long does it take to complete the requirements for a
    PhD in Holistic Psychology ??

    where would one find employment with a degree like that ??
    would it all be in private practice - or do hospitals
    and such have Holistic Medicine Departments ??

    Have you personally seen or known of an example of where
    it has helped someone - or made a difference ??

    - - - I know that in many cases it does help...

    if someone asked you what your definition was of
    Holistics - what would your answer be ??

    I find it fascinating... I'm so pleased to have found
    someone that knows about this stuff...


  9. #9
    Originally posted by ozmalegalleries
    No shortage of info here, and you should see my library, one full bookcase and still going

    Oh and Bell, was it Ceanothus


    nope... that's not it...
    those are gorgeous though...
    those look like lilacs...

    I haven't yet been able to find a picture either


  10. #10
    Have an idea and make it come to life! Gary-Alan's Avatar
    Join Date
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    Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
    Originally posted by Bell
    I KNEW it was going to be the first 2 - and in that order...
    but I didn't know about the Spirituality or the Holistics...

    thanks for sharing...

    what sorts of things do you study in holistics ??

    Well Holistics is, actually, a broad field. For my studies I started with the spiritual/metaphysical aspects, then went into the medical/homeopathic methods (herbal supplements, old fashion remedies, etc). For my Masters I worked in the spirtual pschology of illness and healing. This also included alternative healing methods like biorythmics, hypnosis, light therapies, massage, sensory therapies (audio, visual and aroma), etc.

    There are many other aspects that fall under Holistics, as well. Including macrobiotics, healing methods of Edgar Casey, herbal supplement therapies, etc. While I like studying these methods it is the psychological and spiritual therapies that I enjoy working in. In essence, my work is about getting a person to not only trust in the treatment but trust in their mind and in their soul that they will heal, be happy, etc.

    how long does it take to complete the requirements for a
    PhD in Holistic Psychology ??

    Well I did an excellerate Bachelor of Science degree - I had completed all of my core requirements (english, history and mathematics) outside of this study and only needed to work on my specialty courses which took me a year and a half. My Masters took me two years. I've been working on and off of my PhD thesis for a year and a half - I should be in the second editing phase at this point but I barely finished my first draft in time. I'm looking at another year and a half for this (most likely)

    where would one find employment with a degree like that ??
    would it all be in private practice - or do hospitals
    and such have Holistic Medicine Departments ??

    Typically this would be a private practice or a work in a holistic center. More and more are springing up these days. Since Holistics is quickly becoming a major part of the new medical training, I could teach or work within a medical practice.

    However, the AMA has many/most of the medical laws on their side and practicing on my own under the title Holistics can mean trouble. While holistics are being taught in medical schools the American Medical Assoc refuses to see some Holistic methods as viable lines of medicine/psychology - some have gone as far as to liken Holistic practioners to witches. So when I do finish my degree work, and if I choose to work in the field I will try to find work within a medical practice or holistic medical center under an MD.

    Have you personally seen or known of an example of where
    it has helped someone - or made a difference ??

    Absolutely. I for one am an example, although poor one. A few years ago I was ill and I used all of my training in combination with medical science to make sure I got better. On the other side I am also prone to the psychology or mindset of not thinking postive. When money isn't coming in, the bills pile up and I'm working non-stop with little time outside of the house I will find my health lacking. If I catch a cold it can take weeks for me to get through it.

    As for others, I've actively participated in Chemo sessions with patients at the local hospital. I would go into the chemo room (where everyone was hooked up) and work the room. Make the children laugh, help the older women around and let them flirt (or I would flirt with them), talk about prayer with some of the men... I would try to make the session as bright as possible. The doctors appreciated it and the nurses loved it, because there was less crying, less vomiting, fewer fevers, increased responses to treatment etc etc etc. It was noticeable when I wasn't there because the nurses would tell me so. That best sums up what my degrees are all about, actually. Changing the mindset of patients from the fear and darkness to something lighter.

    - - - I know that in many cases it does help...

    if someone asked you what your definition was of
    Holistics - what would your answer be ??

    My definition of holistics differs from most. My definition is working science, nature, psychology and spirtuality together in order to treat the entire person - body mind and soul.

    I find it fascinating... I'm so pleased to have found
    someone that knows about this stuff...


  11. #11
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    My definition of holistics differs from most. My definition is working science, nature, psychology and spirtuality together in order to treat the entire person - body mind and soul.
    It may differ, but I like that definition ... it fits beautifully. Thanks for taking the time Gary to fill us in on the background of holostic healing/education. It's one of those things I've always been interested in but just haven't had the time to pursue with any sort of passion.

  12. #12
    Drag is when a man wears everything a lesbian won't. Harlan's Avatar
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    Mar 2004
    Bell, sorry for taking so long to get to this thread and I will get to your post in the "get to know Harlan thread," but ladies first!

    My current passions:
    1) PrideBucks, Pride Buck’s, PrideBucks! I love my business partners: David and Joe, so thrilled to have Rainey aboard and very proud of what we have built together. Taking it to the next level, striving to be not the biggest, but the best and most complete program we can possibly be is the force that fuels me more then any other

    2) Friends - This is somewhat an extension of number one since many
    of my friends, the people I truly interact with on daily basis. Those you go out of your way for and who do the same for you, are in this industry. Taking stock of that, amazing how few of them I really see face to face more then a handful of times a year but rather communicate primarily though ICQ and/or the phone. A few in my own area code might be a good place to start

    3) Family - Being, or at least trying to be a good brother, uncle,
    nephew and cousin - remembering birthdays, anniversaries,
    and all of those "Hallmark" occasions to let those know close to my heart know it

    4) Broadway Musicals - Gay but true. I listen to a soundtrack of
    a show, or usually a mix of tunes from shows every morning

    5) The amBUSH of America and this election: Little frightens me more
    the possibility of 4 more years with George Bush. Not so much for what he can actually do given the practical restraints of the presidency but the real issue I think most people over look: his ability to appoint court judges and justices and key secretaries and how that can further his very narrow agenda that seriously compromises free speech and thought

    6) Humor: Laughing and making others do it too

    7) Striving to always live in a paradigm of "Excellence." The fragile human ego can get so caught up in working and living to merely "look good" to others or "being right" but that is selling yourself and those around you short. Doing something just to look good, or spending to much time and energy just to be right that's all you get: so you look good or you get to be right...then what. That can often fall far short of the ultimate desired result. Concentrating on achieving the final objective...the big pay off - that's more permanent and will bring you the most long-term happiness then anything else and guess end up looking good and being right in addition, not instead of

    8) The written word. I enjoy crafting the perfect words together for whatever objective and am a voracious reader

    9) My collection of chrome made by the Chase Company in the '30's.
    I have many of the major pieces I want but getting the absolute
    most perfect example of each is great fun to shop for in flea markets, antique shows and of course on eBay

    10) Photography - we shoot all our own content for Looking at each completed photoset and video to try and learn to make the next one better
    PrideBucks - the home of CircleJerkBoys, TrueTwinks, BoysGoneBad &

  13. #13

    Below are snippets of a previous response by Gary-Alan:

    Holistics is, actually, a broad field. For my studies I started with the spiritual/metaphysical aspects, then went into the medical/homeopathic methods (herbal supplements, old fashion remedies, etc). For my Masters I worked in the spirtual pschology of illness and healing. This also included alternative healing methods like biorythmics, hypnosis, light therapies, massage, sensory therapies (audio, visual and aroma), etc.

    There are many other aspects that fall under Holistics, as well. Including macrobiotics, healing methods of Edgar Casey, herbal supplement therapies, etc. While I like studying these methods it is the psychological and spiritual therapies that I enjoy working in. In essence, my work is about getting a person to not only trust in the treatment but trust in their mind and in their soul that they will heal, be happy, etc.

    I've been working on and off of my PhD thesis for a year and a half - I should be in the second editing phase at this point but I barely finished my first draft in time. I'm looking at another year and a half for this (most likely)

    As for others, I've actively participated in Chemo sessions with patients at the local hospital. I would go into the chemo room (where everyone was hooked up) and work the room. Make the children laugh, help the older women around and let them flirt (or I would flirt with them), talk about prayer with some of the men... I would try to make the session as bright as possible. The doctors appreciated it and the nurses loved it, because there was less crying, less vomiting, fewer fevers, increased responses to treatment etc etc etc. It was noticeable when I wasn't there because the nurses would tell me so. That best sums up what my degrees are all about, actually. Changing the mindset of patients from the fear and darkness to something lighter.

    My definition of holistics differs from most. My definition is working science, nature, psychology and spirtuality together in order to treat the entire person - body mind and soul.

    I enjoyed reading more about holistics...
    you must be even moreso of a gentle sweet spirit than I had realized...
    I knew you were a tender, caring person...
    but you are more so than I thought at first...
    (I hope that is worded correctly...)
    this post from you was a nice Sunday "treat" for me...

    the thesis - I've never done one...
    are those just long written recountings of what you have learnt ??


  14. #14
    Have an idea and make it come to life! Gary-Alan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Daytona Beach, Florida, USA
    Originally posted by Bell

    the thesis - I've never done one...
    are those just long written recountings of what you have learnt ??


    For my Masters my thesis was a 40 page document recounting what I learned.

    For my PhD, in essence, I had to think of a new idea within my line of study. And if that idea is deemed feasible and approved by a group of PhD's from the institute, then, I have to research it and write a book about it.

    I'm at the point where I have the approved idea, I've laid out my preliminary findings and now I need to finish detailed research and expand this into a document suitable for publishing. I have a long road ahead especially since I need to work at the same time. I was hoping by this point I would have made billions and wouldn't need to work on anything but this

    I enjoyed reading more about holistics...
    you must be even moreso of a gentle sweet spirit than I had realized...
    I knew you were a tender, caring person...
    but you are more so than I thought at first...
    (I hope that is worded correctly...)
    Sounds good to me LOL Thank you.

    I am a gentle spirit. BUT hurt or insult my family and I am more dangerous than anyone can imagine.

    Have a great day!


  15. #15
    whatever happend to the TOPBUCKS folks I wanted to hear their


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