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Thread: Ounique... what the hell?!

  1. #16

    You also need to work on your pricing a bit ... $39 for 20 pictures??? And 20 pictures really isn't enough to make a gallery ... freesite or TGP, yes, but not a gallery.


  2. #17
    Quote Originally Posted by Dzinerbear

    You also need to work on your pricing a bit ... $39 for 20 pictures??? And 20 pictures really isn't enough to make a gallery ... freesite or TGP, yes, but not a gallery.


    I can imagine, your point of view. All our new sets are always $39,-, also if the set has 150 pictures, we charge that.
    We also offer sets for $24,-
    If you see small sets and you think they are to expensive, just hit me up and I will make you a deal. I am always willing to help our customers :teach:

    Dennis (icq: 108483386)

  3. #18
    Okay, thanks Dennis. I was actually looking at your site the other day, but bypassed because of the pricing. So I'll take another look at it.


  4. #19
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers
    Join Date
    Jan 2005
    Hollywood, CA
    Quote Originally Posted by KarenJ
    I too hope things are OK there. I did worry a bit when Don left...
    Hi guys. Very interesting thread here. I just wanted to say please do not see my leaving as deserting a sinking ship. That's not why I left. They didn't have any plans of closing up shop that I know of.
    Don Mike

  5. #20
    ok...well I am going to do my best to explain the content biz in this short space.

    I know not everyone is going to agree with me and that’s fine but one thing that everyone needs to agree upon in this business is the fact that this industry is changing in regards to content.

    No matter what anyone might try to lead you to believe there is NOT a lot of $$ in content sales. Forget that notion and the sooner you realize that then the better off everyone will be. Now there are some people who have made a comfortable life for themselves with content but the vast majority of those people shoot content where it is much cheaper to shoot then in the continental United States. You can ask Harlan, or any other content producer and they will tell you that witch each year you are in the biz the cost of doing business keeps going up. Models are harder to find and what they want to be paid keeps going up.

    I know by looking at trends over the past year one thing I have noticed is that people tend to be doing two things in the paysite biz……relying on feeds solely or shooting their own content. I don’t know why a lot of webmasters don’t compromise a bit and have their own updated galleries both video and photo but most just do not. They either do one or the other.

    As far as content………..Everyone has their preferences. Let me go on the record by saying that I DO NOT CARE FORTWINKS……………now with that said my team and I have worked very hard to build a large portfolio of DIVERSE content. There is mature and there is hairy and there is Latin and black. There is military and muscle and toy content. I would venture to say that we are building the largest video collection of any other content company. But yet we are still limited to what our producers bring to us. They have to shoot what makes them money!

    I cannot even begin to tell you how diverse peoples tastes are. I have people who beg me for specific small cock content. Now how many small cock photo sets do you think I can sell? Yes I know some people want mature hairy men content but when we do offer some things on our site it quite frankly does not sell. Do you know how many $30 sets we have to sell to cover the costs for the photographer and for ourselves? Believe me there are not that many people who want the same type of content and are willing to pay for it. NO matter how many people say they would buy “This kind of content”. When it comes to pulling out the pocket book and doing it they just do not.

    I know its difficult when you have a niche that works for you and you cannot find the content you want. The bottom line is you have to offer content that will keep your surfers happy but on the other hand there is a photographer who is not even covering his costs because the sales are just not there. After a while they just give up or shoot content solely for themselves.

    We are always growing our portfolio and there are different niches we realize we are not covering as well as we should but finding the photographers who can shoot it and deliver it and make money from it make the job more difficult.

  6. #21
    I certainly understand that "mature hairy men" content (for example) does not sell well. But there is a demand for it by surfers. If very few webmasters want to utilize this type of content on their sites, well good for me... less competition.

    But here is a thought, Randy... Ounique used to sell a lot of photo sets covering MANY different niches. Maybe your lack of success selling "mature hairy men" had to do with the fact that Ounique had a monopoly on that type of content in the past. Ounique seems to not be interested in doing many updates, so there has to be a lot of photographers with a backlog of photo shoots and no way to sell them. Maxpixels could be the hero and offer them a new outlet!

  7. #22
    Oh hey! I just remembered, isn't there a brand new content broker that just opened shop? Something called

    Hmmm, where do they fit in to all of this? Do they have any interest in picking up the slack?

  8. #23 hdkbill's Avatar
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    Palm Springs, CA

    Gay Content

    Hi Y'all,

    Just to throw my 2 cents worth into the thread here.

    Ounique has been (and I suspect will continue to be) one of the premier content providers around. They may be going through some problems at the moment, I don't really know, but the guys that run it know what they are doing and I'm guessing they will be around for quite some time.

    There are others, Max Pixels has been mentioned alongwith a couple of others. We also sell content, and all of our content is strictly gay. As one of the guys mentioned, their really isn't a lot of income in selling content, and when you restrict yourself, as we have, to ONLY gay content, the income is even more reduced.

    We shoot our own films and stills while making our videos, so when we decided to launch Gay Adult Photos, it wasn't with strictly profit motives in mind, but rather to try to generate some additional income from the content we alread had. The majority of our income comes from the sale of our films to the retail public who buys our films.

    Gay Adult Photos has now grown to the point that other photographers are now sending their content to us for resale, and we are always looking for more photographers so if you know of any, send them our way. We are currently negotiating with several gay photographers to purchase their entire inventory, if these arrangements work out, we'll be adding very shortly many thousands of new pics to the site.

    Our content covers the gamut from twinks, to bears, to muscle guys, to euro guys and much more. We also feature everything from solos, to the very hardcore action stills and clips including FF and watersports.

    So, if you haven't checked us out, or haven't checked us out lately, come pay us a visit at We do our best to add new gay content weekly but unless you sign up as a Gay Webmaster on the site and request to be added to our mail list you wouldn't be aware of the site because we really don't do much in the way of's mostly just word of mouth from one webmaster to anothter.



  9. #24
    Hey it's Bill from HDK/GAP! Haven't seen you around much... how's tricks? is a great alternative to more mainstream content brokers. I have been using them since they started operations and their content is very unique and the support is excellent. I :love: them sooooo much!

  10. #25 hdkbill's Avatar
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    Palm Springs, CA

    Tricks is Good

    Hey XStr8Guy,

    Tricks is good!

    Sorry I haven't been on the GWW forums more, but John and I have been traveling from one side of the country to the other in our motorhome doing our Annual HDK Road Trip. We do that each year and meet customers, friends and models and film our Annual HDK Road Trip along the way. This year, traveling from Delaware to Califronia we actually filmed two complete films which are currently in various stages of editing. Some of the photos have already been posted on GAP.

    We leave California on Sunday to start heading back to Delaware so once the traveling is over I'll be able to spend more time on the forums.

    Good to hear from you and thanks for the kind words regarding Gay Adult Photos.


  11. #26
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Hey Bill

    Hope you had a great road trip

    Can you shoot me an email at your convenience please in repsect of the Florida show and some things we have planned that i think you may like to be a part of

    Unfortunately Gary and I wont be attending the Phoenix Forum this year due to some last minute business we have just received



  12. #27
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    hdkbill - you're the content provider who requires a fax in order for a webmaster to enter your site. can you explain to me why that is? i ended up not feeling comfortable sending it, so i can't buy content from you.

  13. #28 hdkbill's Avatar
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    We don't actually require a FAX from you before allowing you into the site but we do ask that all webmasters complete the online webmaster sign up form in order to gain access to the photos in the site.

    Let me try to explain why we do this. Unlike many content providers, we do not X out or black out the photos. We show the entire photos and we sell some very hardcore photos showing some very extreme action. For that reason we believe we need to ensure that every person who signs up to be a webmaster is in fact an adult webmaster.

    Once you complete the online form it is sent to us. At the same time a Webmaster Agreement is sent to you to be printed out, signed and returned to us. As soon as we receive the online form we verify the information as quickly as possible just to make sure you are who you say you are. We then go into our admin area and give you access to all parts of the site. We then ask that if you indeed want to purchase photos from us, then you need to return the Webmaster Agreement to us as quickly as possible. We suggest that you FAX is to us only because it is the quickest was to return it to us with you signature, but you are free to mail it if you choose.

    The only reason for this procedure is because we need to make sure that anyone we give acces to the site to is in fact an adult. We're just trying to protect ourselves and to limit access to the site by minors. The reason that we ask that the completed, signed Webmaster Agreement be returned to us is because it is the legal agreement between you and us.

    We realize that the procedure seems convoluted and we are trying to figure out a way to make the sign up process easier. We aren't trying to be hard to get along with and we certainly want you to sign up and to purchase from us, but so far it's the best way we have figured out how to prevent minors from gaining access to the site....and, of course, with the current Dubya Administration in office, we need to protect ourselves as much as possible.

    Hope this answers your questions. Rest assured that any information you provide to us during the sign up process and in returning the Webmaster Agreement is kept completely confidential and NEVER shared with anyone outside of our office. I'm sure that any of our current webmasters on this forum can attest to this.

    If you can think of an easier way that we can allow Webmasters to have complete access to all of the hardcore photos while still ensuring that they are in fact adults and that they are in fact legitimate adult webmasters, please let us know....we'd love to make the process easier.



  14. #29
    chick with a bass basschick's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    hdkbill - thanks for responding, but i don't see how signing a form will make a person 18. if they are in this industry, they are already willing to break laws, so i'm sure they'll have no problem signing a form.

    unless you have webmasters send you their drivers license (which i'm sure most people won't be comfortable with), it seems like a form like the one on will have the same function since online sigs are legal.

  15. #30 hdkbill's Avatar
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    Palm Springs, CA

    You are correct, signing the form does not prove that someone is at least 18. Once we get the form, we check out the website, make sure the contact information appears correct and if everything appears valid we then activate that webmasters account. Assuming the webmaster signs up during regular business hours all of that is done usually within minutes.

    It's the best way we've figured out how to do it. I'll check out the link you sent.


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