growing up in communist times, i wasn't brought up relgious. my two grandfathers were from the party, one was a general, and god didn't exist even though he joked about carriyng St. Peter's keys when he died. but my grandmothers were religious so i grew up not tottaly discounting things. however from personal experiences i know there must be something up there or wherever, after we die. there's just no way there isn't.

i was here in the states when my great grandmother died and had a dream of her the same day, January 20th. she walked up to me like she always does, pinching on my cheeks and said - everything's going to be allright, i have to go now, and i won't be able to see you again but you should know how much i love you. everything's going to be allright (had some problems at the time). kissed me and then i woke up. i figured what was going on but my parents said nothing to me and i didn't ask.
when i flew back home my mom waited days to tell me. she said we should go visit the grannies but then said there's also something i need to tell you. there was a long pause. i smiled and said - yeah i know grandma died. she looked at my dad and said i thought we agreed nobody should tell him untill he came back home. how do you know this who told you?. i said i had a dream of her, explaining the whole thing, she couldn't believe it.

my dream was on the same date she died, even the clothes she wore were the same ones she got burried with and i was able to describe them too, without anyone telling me.

so to me, we just don't rot and go away