Quote Originally Posted by Lee
By that i mean, a program that you can earn money with by displaying text link ads just like with Google?

We've applied a couple of times now but they never seem to respond to the signup and i dont really want to use the same account we have on another site because that could screw with the stats


I think you're only supposed to have one account with them anyway. As for screwing up your stats -- that's not a problem because you can set up tracking with them several different ways.

For instance I've got adsense on 3 different domains. By creating 3 different channels I can keep track of which domain brings in more money. I've kept it simple but you could even track seperate pages if you wanted to.

More Info: https://www.google.com/support/adsen...c.py?topic=152

Just about every PPC search engine out there also has an affiliate program where you can set up adsense like ads. Looks like Yahoo! is starting to finally set one up too for regular publishers -- too bad they didn't have more details on it though... http://publisher.yahoo.com/