that would be kinda hot. hehe. I'll have to look in to whether we could incorporate em in to the site.

check these out! I took these with my cell camera so they're not great quality but they're pics of the GearBox.

It's the metal tin that cockrings show up in when mailed to customers. They're a really dark, brushed black with the Gear Essentials logo embossed on the top.

You kinda have to see them in person to see how friggin' awesome they are. I'll definitely bring some with me to FL so people can have a look.

The logo rises up like a millimeter or 2 from the top of the tin. On the inside is a foam-insulated place for the cockring to sit so it is protected and everything during shipping.

But this tin is one of my favorite things about the whole site and product! They really kick ass. When we got our first shipment at the office everyone was ilke "whoooo!" and I had to beat people up to get them back cuz everyone wanted to take them home