Quote Originally Posted by tombarr
I know that bostonboy, in particular has a particular affinity with Asian and Latino guys and was marketing the hell out of them for a long time and he was cranking out AVS sites, TGP sites, all along.
Yea, I was. And my ethnic page was ALL my sites. No one submitted. And I bought ALL the content. Even got ripped off via Jimmy in the tune of $2,000 - $3,000 for sme exclusive. And started a asian boy pay site with my bf.

I still give you a site that a person I helped get in this biz

Tom - Part of the issue is the big boys come in and Offer 30-40 PPS and sites like asiantwinks actually converts. As does bangkokbangers. LatinBeef with Python. Black sites are hit or miss. BYOT's do better. And pure asian men and boykkake convert real well. I guess what shocks me most is that the straight sites actually have the "colors" right, though boykkakes color scheme is ok. I mean a brazilian site should be green and yellow. Etc...

It's a somewhat HARD niche to master. Much easier throwing up str8 boy sites. Etc. I mean when I started there were so few submisions to my ethnic page and so few sponsors. That right now its more valuable for my time to put up a reality page than shuffle a few hundred links to pages that will start fresh with no search enginge traffic. Or even add a Med Fetish page.

But I do agree with you.

It's just a real shame that the big PPS guys are coming in with crappy content and actually designing sites that convert well.

IF you ask me it's up to you guys. Zbuckz took the first step by putting out about 75+ FREE hosted sites. That's an incentive for an asian category to many. Maybe others will follow. Competition is healty.

And you know Tom we go back a long way. But you also have to think one thing - when is the last time you put up a new banner? Hate to sound like a bitch, but adding a few new banners every couple years is a lot easier than moving hundreds of links around.