Which is it?

I have one simple belief. Free porn sells and quality content retains.

Our WHOLE model is based on giving the surfer something for nothing and then selling them a sponsor. Without giving FREE porn away, the cost per member to a paysite would be outrageosly high. You would have 100's of companies paying huge click fees on the search engines.

Free porn levels the playing field so just about any webmaster can come in a have a stab at the business. MOST paysite owners started giving away free porn and build a business around it.

So is it too much free porn or too many webmasters?

It seems to me that those who bitch about all the free porn are the ones not getting their banners above all the free porn. All the big opearators love giving out free porn and the traffic from it.

Fuck, I even PAY over $1,000 a month just to have my FREE sites (sometimes w/ over 500 pics in each one) listed at certain places. The more time I have to talk to a surfer, get his trust, the better I am. When he hits my sponsors site, he's looking for one thing - THE JOIN LINK....

Those you bitchabout free porn are the ones that really do not know how to make it work for them. They don't understand the concept that the last gallery page is where you "dump the surfer" somewhere. They don't understand that just because you have a twink site, it still ok to offer bears, jocks, bareback, and filter out a bit. But mostly what I see is THEY HAVE NO IDEA WHAT A TRAFFIC TRAP IS. Get the surfer OFF the Link List or TGP and into your own traffic trap where you can offer 1,000's of pics in your 100's of galleris and sites and whatever you have.

And IF anyone thinks free porn is killing the industry - TAKE DOWN YOUR FREE PORN!