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Thread: Building A Surfer Trap - 8 Stage Tutorial

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  1. #1
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.

    Building A Surfer Trap - 8 Stage Tutorial

    The last 2 weeks I have had a LOT of webmasters email and ICQ me regarding traffic and, not getting any sales.

    So, I thought it would be a good idea to make a step by step tutorial on building your own surfer trap.

    Now these are some of the arguments I have heard why people haven't already built one over the last few weeks...

    * To complicated to follow.
    * I want surfers returning to my site.
    * Don't have the time.

    The first two however seem to be the ones that I hear over and over again.

    First of all, a surfer trap IS NOT complicated, in fact, it is probably one of, if not THE easiest type of site to build.

    Secondly, Why get a surfer visiting your site over and over again if they are not paying for trial memberships? All you are doing is wasting your bandwidth.

    Thirdly, A surfer trap can be built over a period of time, my very first trap was built within 1 hour my next was built in a day and my next one was built in a week.

    So onto the start of building our surfer trap...

    The first thing that I want you to do is to look at the Multi-Site FPA's that ARS in the marketing section and choose ONE of them.

    Download it, optimize the keywords on the FPA, make sure you add meta tags, titles descriptions and Alt tags on all images.

    Once you have done this, you now need to search through ALL of the single site FPA's and download and optimize one for each of the ARS sites that you have on your Multi-Site FPA. (Even the gay sites!)

    This should take you 2-5 minutes for EACH FPA, any longer than that and you are doing TOO much work!

    Once you have all of the single FPA's downloaded, optimized and uploaded onto your server that is the first stage completed.

    Article written by Lee.

  2. #2
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    In the last tutorial we hopefully got the foundations of our surfer trap laid and in this stage, we will start to put this thing together.

    Ok the first step of stage two of building your surfer trap is to start linking each of the individual FPA's to your Multi-Site FPA.

    The easiest way that I have found to do this is to give each FPA its own sub directory on your server and have the html page named index for each of the single site FPA's.

    So for instance, if you have the site All Petite on your Multi-Site FPA you would link it to:

    Or whatever you called the sub directory for the All Petite single FPA.

    Now, once you have linked these single FPA's to your Multi-Site FPA we need to start 'playing' with them once again.

    You should now have copy's of your single site FPA's and Multi-Site FPA on both your server and Hard Drive.

    Take the copy's you have on your hard drive and add a small NICHE pop up console to each of the single site FPA's AND the Multi-Site FPA.

    I would suggest making 6 NICHE consoles.

    These consoles should be pure text and nothing else.

    Each of the links on this small console should link to a different niche of your single site FPA's I usually go with one link for each of the following niches...


    Plus, I usually add a link at the bottom of my console which goes to the POTD program.

    Once you have these consoles built you should upload them to their OWN sub directory on your server, I would suggest calling this directory 'consoles' and calling each of the niche consoles the name of the NICHE they represent.

    So, you should now have the following on your HD and on your server:

    1 Multi-Site FPA
    50 or so Single Site FPA's (All Linked From The Multi-Site FPA)
    6 Small Pop-Up Consoles (Popping Only One On The Multi-Site FPA and The Single Site FPA's, each different niche Single Site FPA pops a different niche console however.)

    You now have to check that your surfer trap is working so far.

    Article written by Lee.

  3. #3
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    You should hopefully by now have a basic looking surfer trap ready on your server and on your hard drive.

    Now we need to start to 'dirty' this surfer trap up a little.

    We have already added 1 pop-up console to each of the FPA's including the Multi-Site FPA.

    For the next step in this 'dirtying' process we need to add some additional links onto each of the FPA's including the Multi-Site FPA.

    On the FPA's what you need to do is create a 'no thank you' link so, if your surfer does not want to visit the site for the FPA you have sent them to you can send them to an alternative.

    This no thank you link can go to one of two places, you need to decide where you feel the traffic can be best utilized however, from my experience i would highly recommend using this first method:

    Link the 'no thank you' text on each of the single site FPA's to another DIFFERENT niche FPA in your surfer trap so, as an example, if your surfer is on the All Petite FPA in your trap, the 'no thank you' link would lead to Just Toon's. If they decide not to go with the Just Toon's site, the 'no thank you' link on this FPA would go to Gay Ultra and so on, you need to ensure however, that the 'no thank you' link goes to a completely different niche to the one of the FPA the surfer is currently on.

    The second option you have is to link the 'no thank you' text to the ARS POTD (picture of the day) program. This will be your last chance at selling the surfer to one of the ARS pay sites.

    In addition to the 'no thank you' link on each of the FPA's you also need to add a small table to the Single-Site FPA's. ideally this should be four columns across and 2 rows down. This will give you 8 places to put a one or two word link going to another different niche FPA than the one the surfer is currently viewing however, you also need to ensure that these 8 links are going to a different FPA than the 'no thank you' link you have created.

    The above stage is where we could potentially start to lose people in the instructions therefore if you have ANY questions or queries regardless of how small they may be please post on the forums.

    This stage should hopefully only take you a couple of hours to complete and, once you have tested all of the links and uploaded the FPA's to your server you are all set for the next MAJOR step in this project.... Generating Fresh Traffic.

    Article written by Lee.

  4. #4
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Here we go with stage 4 in our surfer trap.

    We should now have a pretty basic surfer trap set up with consoles on all of the FPA's all of the links on all of the FPA's (Excluding the FPA graphics) should go to either another FPA or, the a POTD Program.

    As mentioned in the last stage we are going to start building up some traffic to our surfer trap even though, we are not finished yet.

    The first place where you can get some good free traffic would be from a toplist counter.

    A good counter that I would recommend would be one of the following:

    Outster (A Gay Specific Counter)
    SexTracker (A General Adult Counter)
    Pay Counter (A General Counter That Makes You Money)

    You need to sign up to ONE of the above counters and only ONE.

    Usually a counter will ask you for some details when signing up for them these will usually include:

    Email Address.
    Site Url

    For the email address, enter a REAL email.
    For Your Name, Enter a name you wish to be known by to the counter owners.

    However, for the URL (The one to SEND traffic to FROM the counter) you should enter the index.html page of your surfer trap (The Multi-Site FPA).

    You will now be given some coding once you complete the counter sign up process. This counter code you now need to place on EVERY page of your surfer trap.

    Place the counter towards the bottom of your FPA's (Including the Multi-Site FPA) this way, they will load after the rest of the graphics or at least, they should in theory.

    Basically what you are doing by implementing this counter is as follows:

    For each time the counter is displayed or clicked on your site (Depending on the counter you choose) you will earn one credit on the respective counters toplist.

    Each credit you earn on the toplist will move you higher up the list.

    Now, the higher up the list you get, the more visitors to the counter site that you are going to get visiting your surfer trap by clicking your link on the toplist.

    In return, by clicking on your surfer trap link from the toplist, they are 'registering' another impression of your counter hence, getting you one more 'credit' on the counter toplist hence, moving you higher in the listings.

    See where we are going with this?

    The more clicks you get from the counter to your hub, the higher you will get on the toplist in the process earning you more and more traffic to filter through your surfer trap.

    Adding these counter codes to your FPA's as they stand at present should take you an hour or so to do so, for now this is where I will leave the traffic generation section of this tutorial.

    Article written by Lee.

  5. #5
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    So we hit stage 5 in this surfer trap tutorial.

    It was brought to my attention this morning that we never added any ALT tags to our single FPA link so, in a change to the planned tutorial I am going to touch on this stage as, once the search engines get to our surfer traps this is going to be a crucial aspect on how highly we get ranked.

    So what's next?

    Ok, now what you have to do is go back to manually editing the FPA's (All of them!)

    What you need to do is this...

    Take the Multi-Site FPA first then, on ALL of the links that lead to the single site FPA's you need to add the ALT tag. Again, in the same way as we did originally however, instead of using this tag on the images we will use this on the actual TEXT of the link so, for example the link which may be:

    'Voyeur Porn' leading to the FPA you have for the Voyeur niche in the HTML coding will already look like this:

    <a href="">Voyeur Porn</a>

    Will get turned into:

    <a href="" ALT="More Niche Related Keywords">Voyeur Porn</a>

    The reason we are going back over these links now and not earlier on is because you should hopefully have started to get a small amount of traffic from your counter impressions. These counters are virtually ALWAYS being crawled by the search engines due to the amount of people linking to them so, by optimizing our site at this stage, it makes it less work in getting into the search engines.

    One other thing that we can now start to do (as we did a couple of stages back) is to create some more HTML pages with some tables on them, however, these will be HTML pages on their own with no images on them. Again however, you should make them 4 columns across and two rows high.

    What you want to add into these tables are NICHE links so for example, taking the TEEN niche we would make eight links like:

    Teen Sex
    College Girls
    Erotic Teens
    Teen Porn

    You should do this for each of the MAIN niches so you would have a table for Teen, Gay, Mature, Asian, Ebony, Fetish and one for General and again, these should link to the NICHE FPA's that you already have created.

    These tables will be used for another console on our surfer trap however, before we implement this console we are going to have some fun with them.

    Article written by Lee.

  6. #6
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Stage 6 already!

    Only 2 more stages to go after this tutorial until you have a fully functional surfer trap!

    Ok as promised in the last tutorial, we are going to implement the table pages you hopefully made in our last tutorial.

    You now need to signup for ANOTHER counter code. Use the same counter as you did last time and, again, make sure the URL you send the traffic from the counter to is your main Multi-Site FPA surfer trap page.

    Ok, you have the new counter code, what you should do with this is place it on every one of the niche table pages we made yesterday. Nowhere else except on these pages.

    Once you have the counter code placed you now need to go back to our consoles, what we are going to do is make these HTML table pages into a secondary console from off the first pop up that we get when a surfer visits any of our FPA's.

    What you should do is enter the following coding in between the <head> and </head> tags of the niche pop-ups ensuring that you choose a DIFFERENT niche to the one of your original consoles:

    <!------ BEGIN CONSOLE CODE ------->
    <SCRIPT language=Javascript>
    var exit=true;
    function exitcnsl()
    if (exit)
    open("", "tables","toolbar=0,location=0,status=0,menuba r=0, scrollbars=0,resizable=0, width=800,height=600,top=0,left=0");
    <!------ END CONSOLE CODE ------->

    You need to edit the figures for width= and height= to reflect the size of your table, ideally the frame of the console should be around 3 or 4 pixels either side of your tables.

    Ok now once you have added the above to your existing pop-ups you now need to add the following to the newly created table consoles between the <head> and the </head> tags:

    <SCRIPT language=javascript>

    What this will do is once the first console loads, it will immediately load a second console but, this second console should be 'hidden' behind the main window that is displayed. We have created a blur console.

    We now have one last thing to do with this 'blur console' that we have just created.

    Go to the HTML coding for the table ad console and add the same JavaScript to that page however, this time you DO NOT need to use the self.blur section of the instructions or, change the sizes of the console that pops.

    Instead you need to add the following to the <body> tag:

    onUnload="exitcnsl()" so as an example your body tag may look like this:

    <BODY BGCOLOR=#000000 onUnload="exitcnsl()">

    Now you also need to alter the location for the console that will pop this time, you have a choice, you can send the console directly to the ARS POTD program or, you can send it BACK to your Multi-Site FPA page, at which point the surfer will be able to select another niche or leave your site.

    Now remember, this surfer trap IS aggressive however, every time one of your counter codes load both from the FPA's where we implemented them AND on the newly created table consoles we are gaining extra traffic.

    If you have ANY questions at all please do not hesitate to post on the forums and myself or one of our administrators will assist you.

    Article written by Lee.

  7. #7
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Here we go with Stage 7 in this Surfer Trap tutorial.

    We should by now have a rather complex looking surfer trap, pop up consoles and blur consoles on all of the pages within it, all of these same pages interlinking each other indefinitely.

    So, we are starting to get some traffic to this beauty from our existing sites and the counters we implemented but, how can we get some more traffic for FREE?

    What I suggest we do next to this little baby is to add a banner exchange code to EACH of the FPA's we have and also, onto the larger table console we created.

    You should sign up for one banner exchange code for this trap, you might like to search around for a banner exchange that lets you have a decent ratio of impressions, we have just launched our own banner exchange located at which offers a 1:1 ratio alternately, you can find a list of banner exchanges in the ARS Resources traffic directory.

    Once you have signed up for your banner exchange code, you now need to copy this coding into the BOTTOM of all of your FPA HTML pages including the Multi-Site FPA.

    Now you have the banner exchange code on your site you are earning credits. Your account may not be activated for a day or so but, what this means is you are earning credits the entire time you are showing banners on your Surfer Trap.

    Now we have the banner exchange code on our sites we only have one further step to take in order for this project to be completed.

    Making sure it works how it is supposed too along with fine tuning this little beast.

    If you have any further questions or comments please post on the forums here and one of us will be able to help you.

    Article written by Lee.

  8. #8
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
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    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Ok people we have hit the final stage in our surfer trap, Stage 8.

    All we are really going to do in this stage is a brief recap over what we have done so far along with checking that our trap is working properly.

    In order for us to check our trap is working properly we need to upload it to our server if we haven't already done so, therefore, you should do this now.

    Once the surfer trap has been uploaded we now need to go to the first page, the Multi-Site FPA.

    Depending on how you set up your Multi-Site FPA you should either get a pop up or not.

    You should also have a counter AND a banner exchange code loading at the bottom of the page below your 'no thanks' link.

    If this works how you want it to then this stage is working ok.

    The next thing we need to check is that ALL of the links off this Multi-Site FPA are working so expect to get a lot of pop-ups while we check this.

    You should click on each of the Single-Site FPA's in turn ensuring that for every one you have a pop-up console appear.

    In addition to checking the Single-Site FPA links you should now click on the 'no thanks' link along with the counter code and the banner exchange code on your Multi-Site and Single-Site FPA's.

    If these all load fine then this stage of the checking is complete.

    Next, we need to close down any and all of the FPA's we may have open including the Multi-Site FPA.

    You should now be left with a couple of consoles, again, follow the links on your consoles including any to the counter you chose along with any banner exchange code you utilized on your consoles.

    Again if these work how you expected them to, this section of the checking process is now complete.

    For the next step, you need to log into your counter AND banner exchange account, you want to make sure that you have gained additional impressions and rankings from your banner and counter impressions and clicks.

    Be aware however, that some counters and banner exchanges will not count multiple views and click from the same IP address so you may only show one or two additional clicks, impressions, or rankings. This is perfectly normal.

    If your accounts have gained additional ranks, impressions, and clicks then this stage is completed.

    Close down your consoles, you should now get the blur consoles that you created (if you used them) again, as before, check that all of the links from this consoles work.

    If they do then you now have a fully complete Surfer Trap to use.

    So, what next? Well there are a couple of options, you can mirror this surfer trap to experiment with your sponsors different tour pages, link your first mirror to the second tour page, your third to console free tour pages, etc.

    Another good thing that you can do is to create additional Multi-Site FPA's however, this time, create them by niche so where we have a general Multi-Site FPA at the moment you could use this same method for a Gay, Asian, Teen, etc Multi-Site FPA using the same methods we did when we created this trap.

    You should always sign up for a new counter and banner exchange code for each variation of your surfer trap. This way, you get to see performance based on a new working model enabling you to decide which version of the trap works best for you.

    I hope this tutorial has given you some insight into how we can generate, filter and trade traffic whilst marketing our sites effectively and, that it has given you some ideas on how you can implement even the simplest item provided to you by your sponsor to generate sales.

    For those of you who have been following this tutorial I would like to thank you and wish you all the best with your new found marketing skills.

    If you have any questions as always, feel free to post on the forums and we will endeavor to help you out.

    Article written by Lee.

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