Quote Originally Posted by TropixxxStudios View Post
Great point about how Americans don't care that our nation has been reduced to torture and restricting civil liberties...as long as we have our drugged out actresses to watch.
That's called "The art of distraction" during wartime, instead of stressing out citizens, they distract them with pinups, feuds, general fluff, anything to keep public attention off a war, the administration, the number of wounded, dead, the number of innocent foreigners killed, etc. etc. Except for the occassional propaganda of a new battle won, an exceptional serviceman, an important enemy combatant captured, an attack stopped before it happened, a new war technology, etc. etc. This is nothing new, been going on since WWI, well actually ~ since wars began.

Totally off topic, but a quick note: Tony Blair is stepping down ( part of the coalition of the willing in Briton) because of Iraq it's rumored that long time prime minister John Howard in Australia will be voted out this next election. That leaves just Bush, what will his fallout be?