than anywhere else?

shit! I just came back from the 90210 post office - Christ!

there are some dumb fuck people (my helpless neighbors) in there

first, there's this stupid chick with shopping bags full of shit she wants the postal guy to wrap and send for her!

then, there's the stupid idiot that keeps holding up the line because he's talking to his mother (on his phone so everyone can hear)...

then, there's the idiot that can't remember his own PO box number so, he can't get his new credit card out to pay for the packages he's trying to send "don't you have my credit card number on file" he says...

and its Saturday, so our "concierge" (the person who usually handles people and directs them places when you walk in) doesn't work on saturdays... so everyone is "helpless and lost"...

and our nice postal lady with the big silver hair and her own Tony&Cam smiley face window is moving to Phoenix - whah!

no wonder people go postal!

maybe we should start using Domino's Pizza to deliver for us...