Look up a company called blucigs dot com (I cannot post links yet).

As far as I can tell, they are an AEBN company -- I heard about them through an AEBN newsletter.

I have already had a conversion out of 120 clicks.

Also, talk to your AEBN affiliate manager if you are already with them. The regular commission for affiliates is 20% but they bumped me up to 35%. I don't know if that was an introductory thing or an ongoing thing.

It is a new site as I am affiliate number 61.

An added bonus is that they pay commission on ALL sales. When a customer places their first order they are prompted to create an account. As I understand it, you will be given a commission on all sales made out of that account.

Electronic cigarettes are becoming quite popular. You can "smoke" them anywhere, including airplanes.