Well this could be the dumbest question you've heard in a long time, but.. I'll take my chances Be aware that live in Europe, so this adds to the level of my incompetence when it comes to speculations like this.

Do you think that due to this whole mess with Iraq some, or even many gay guys in America are having a temporary aversion towards anything military, including my beloved soldiers? No matter how hot they might look? You know, this crisis has been in the news all the time for a pretty long time. Every time I turn on BBC World or CNN I see soldiers behaving badly, women soldiers abusing men.. it's a real mess when you come to think of it So, when an average gay dude starts surfing for porn, he might now wish to see something that's totally different, like guys at the beach, or alpinists having sex, or eskimos having orgies... you catch my drift.

Until a few days ago I wouldn't even think in that way, but recently I made a military site (just a feeder site, very average design, average model, but not too bad either, similar to what I've used so far). It got only two signup attempts - an all time low!

Just thinking aloud...