So I'm curisin'an escort site not that I'm looking for an escort, and as I'm singing in the rain suddenly - poooofff - hey I know this guy. Why of course, this is my ex-boyfriend-dancer-turned-escort/hoochie.

Next, today a guy I had a crush on since whenever I was like 12 shows up on IRC from Austria of all places. Turns out he's an escort too, AND he has a profile in that same site I saw my ex.

But the cream of the crop is that both he and my ex are LIVING TOGETHER!

This could only happen to me, 2 people I really liked turn into hoochies, my ex whom I hate is living with the guy I've had a crush on forever And both of them are from different cities, and my ex-always hung out with celebs and such people.

Only to me

Think I'm going to get drunk with water