I've been a member of these boards for many years under several different usernames, transitioning from model, assistant producer, photographer, web developer and more.

Over the last year, I've been putting a lot of energy into my review site, which focuses on reviews for both websites and videos. I use my different experiences and knowledge from over 10 years of being in this industry to write marketable, erotic, yet honest reviews of each site/video. My traffic is increasing nicely, which should continue as my new SEO campaign kicks off as well.

I am getting to the point where most of the sites I run across or video companies I contact either ignore me completely or they don't provide any real email address in order to contact them through their sites. I'm sure a lot of my emails end up in their spam folders, and I want to take advantage of my high numbers in order to offer the best return for those interested in working with me. If anyone here is interested in having their material reviewed or know someone who could benefit from being added on my site, please let me know either through here or you can email me at ethan@ethansreview.com.

Check out my review site at www.ethansreview.com if interested in knowing more about what I am offering.
