I must admit that you've done a much better job with the site. I feel that you have a ways to go though.

I think you should take a peek at other content sources such as XXXContentDirect, AdultSexContent, adultcontent.nl, adultlabs, etc.

They do give away a lot of previews.

Website owners are much more pickier than consumers are. Too little of a preview will cause you to lose a lot of sales. We've sold content before and it's not easy at all especially with all of the competition out there.

Think back to Maxpixels's days. They sold a shit load of content. They gave a video preview of I believe 10-20 seconds. They gave you image previews... Thumbs for every image and 4-5 full-size sample previews.

Do watermark the content that is on your site.

Look at Ebay. Millions and millions of shoppers visit ebay. The only time that they need an account is when they are wanting to sell or buy. So let your buyers see the samples they want. Don't be scared of your content being stolen. It's going to happen sooner or later anyways, we can't prevent piracy but we can fight it.

I'd like to see more previews, a better shop, and then you'd really have something going for you. :-) I'm sure you will do well with this.