About the Project.

The idea is that several experienced webmasters combine their knowledge and experience to create the perfect blog.

This will be an ongoing project from domain selection to design, post style to linking and promotion to... well, everything really.

As we reach each point in the process a decision will be made on the best course of action either by poll or by responses to posts. Experiences and personal opinions will be used to decide the best course of action.

Each member involved in the process will have a share in any profit through supplying content and posts with their links. So, if we have three members in the team, we could post three times a week, with the links for each member in their respective posts. The blog can be loaded up with “backdated” posts also, supplying a kick-start. In this case the posts can be created and evenly shared to include the links of each member.

The process will be as open as possible so that forum members can read the opinions and actions taken in an effort to share some knowledge in the form of tutorials and “best practice”.

The stages of building the site will be as follows...

1. Choosing profitable content - Straight and Twink
2. Domain registration
3. Hosting
4. Software
5. Add-ons and Plug-ins
6. Design
7. Layout
8. Posting style
9. Linking
10. Promotion

Ultimately, this is an experiment to see if the knowledge of several of us combined can create something approaching the "perfect" blog.

For example, I might be good at writing content, but someone else knows how and where to generate traffic. You might be great at graphics, but fall down at layout. If each of us brings our best to the blog, in theory it should generate higher traffic, greater following, more interest and bigger profits for all involved.
In addition to that, it provides GWW members with an insight into what works best in each area.

If you'd like to be involved, please show your interest in the following discussions.

Current Members taking part
Conran - Straight Cock
Luke -

(if you're starting a blog using this forum for info and want to take part, add a post and state your blog and we'll add you as a participant above)