A couple of news stories on the new IE9 and FF4 browsers show that both are being adopted at incredible rates.

Microsoft reported that its seeing about 5 times as many downloads of IE9 than IE8 had in its same initial release period. That's impressive for a couple of reasons, first because all downloads before March 28 were user-initiated with over 90% of the downloads coming from non-IE9 RC or Beta users, including over a quarter from Chrome and Firefox users. And second, since IE9 only works on Windows7, this makes these numbers even harder to obtain from such a limited base of users.

Mozilla also reported some impressive stats, hitting over 50 million downloads as of April 1st, and glow.mozilla.org shows its nearing the 60 million mark today. Europe leads the way with 39% of these downloads, while N.America comes in second with 31% and Asia in third with 18%.

All this goes to show that the browser wars are going strong!