Allow me to bump this old dog back to the front of the pound ...

As most here who know me will remember, I RARELY take the time to post on forums so I tend to miss a lot of stuff I really should keep my eyes on , so better late then never as they say let me try and expound on Luke's questions...

what do surfers look?

Surfers look for many diff things ranging from realism, fantasy, traditional to the down right bizarre. As I've told many companies over the past 15 years, the best thing to do is to find cartoon content that matches your 'human' content: IE if you have a "teen" site then your members/surfers/viewers will be more apt to appreciate "teen" style toon content. The same if you have bondage type 'human' content, your viewers will most likely not jump for joy and break out their credit cards to see "girl next door" cartoon styled content.

When looking at cartoon content please keep in mind that just like it's real life counterpart market the toon market is made up of many various niches, Anime, Hentai, Manga, Yao, Doche(sic), Tenga, futaniri(sic), 'famous' toons, Hand Drawn & 3D Toons are all diff niches as well as markets, and each have their own demographic and followers.

3D Toons SEEM to be the most universal of the niches and this is why I've spent the last 15 years focused on that niche, mainly because it allows you to cross multi-platforms and niches while still staying 'true' to those niches, IE anime and hentai content has always been Japanese themed, and have VERY specific looks to them, you CAN recreate that niche within the 3D Toon market and successfully target both fans of the traditional anime & hentai market as well as fans of 3D Toons.

To put it as simple as possible, surfers look for the same thing in toons as they would with 'human content' the ONLY real difference is that I have found an additional demographic that pretty much is anchored to the toon markets and that is the "Art crowd"

The art crowd sees the toons as not porn, or jerk off material but more as actual artwork along the lines of Boris Vallejo & Frank Frazetta, The long running magazine "Heavy Metal" really helped this demographic explode between the late 70's and 80's and to this day they are still one of the front runners of "erotic illustrated art"

What sponsors have good toon sites?

Off the top of my head I'd have to say & are the two best sponsorship programs in the industry for overall cartoon content, both have been around for over a decade and feature LEGAL cartoon content in various niches.

Hentaikey mainly focuses on Anime & Hentai, where HentaiBiz features all of the various toon niches under one program.

For 3D Toons of course I'd have to toot my horn and direct people to

Are these sites updated often like other porn sites? reports daily updates on all of their sites, whether it is NEW content added daily or rotated content I can not say sites update every Mon, Weds & Friday with fresh content, and is normally scheduled 5 months in advance for updates, when I get special requests those are added as soon as they are completed.

IF you are looking to run your own toon program I'd recommend FRESH updates at least 1-3 times per week, keep in mind the toon market is different then the 'human' one, the viewers understand and respect that a lot more time is needed to create the content, so they do NOT expect nor do they demand the "human" standard of "daily updates"

What about keywords, is it better to use toon, cartoon, anime, hentai or other words?

Believe it or not, I've pretty much always just used traditional "human" keywords ALONG WITH: 3dtoons, 3d art, erotic art, CGI, Cartoon, Cartoons, Rendered, Render and a few others.

There are others in the field that go apeshit using everything under the sun such as names, games, manga titles and while the search traffic MAY increase the sales do not always follow suit. I have always preached for people to first utilize their current keywords when promoting toons, because after 15 years I can safely say that the toon market IS in fact broad enough that you have a pretty good chance of converting your "human" traffic to cartoons IF the content is Good, Unique and relevant to the content.

In closing....

Some think the Toon market is a micro niche, or at the very least "hard to promote" it's really not, WHATEVER your niche you can find complimenting toon content that not only could work as great "bonus" content for your current members, but most times CAN and DO survive as a stand alone site for your members (upsell, cross sell, or even bonus site access)

If you are interested in creating your own toon site (membership based) it is a very great market to be in, no paperwork like the 'human' counterparts, and from a content aspect the ONLY limits you have are those of the artist's imagination, Only in the toon market can you have a shoot that takes place on an alien planet, on a space ship, a sacred jungle shrine, using a truly perfect 10 who NEVER EVER ages (unless you want her to) never misses shoots, never finds god and wants her sets pulled etc etc etc

BUT, BE PREPARED to spend some money to get started!!! Toon content has always been MORE EXPENSIVE then 'human content' and that is the one thing I think people have forgotten today, a single photo used to take HOURS to render even with a kick ass computer, and even today with the improvements in both software and hardware it STILL take over 24 hours to render out 1 MINUTE of HQ or HD Video. If you find a toon content producer and they have a package priced at say $300 - $1,000 they are NOT being greedy, it's totally reasonable in all honesty. (IF and WHEN I take the plunge to create a video clip package it normally takes me 2-3 months JUST to produce 30 1 minute clips )

Also, the toon market is STILL the only market that STILL THRIVES on image content alone, you don't NEED to have video content to have a successful site! Mainly because there is so little video content available in the market, and the 'fans' KNOW that it is such a time consuming thing to create video they have and are STILL totally content with still frame images.

You will however find tons of sites out there that CLAIM to have hundreds if not thousands of 'videos' but keep in mind where you are, and historically what this industry is known for (lies) I can point you to many sites that show still frames of "videos" that are NOT in any way shape or form "videos" and I can say this with the utmost certainty as I know MOST of the artists who created that content and they do not create videos .

The lack of video content is also one of the reasons the toon market still flourishes today, mainly because as far as tube sites are concerned they have not effected content, IE: surfers can just go get tons of free content off tube sites instead of buying memberships to paysites

Last but not least I'll toss out a shameless self plug....

I'm in the midst of closing down my content store and am offering all of my packages together as a bulk package sale

21 total packages plus "bonus" content with or without resale rights
OVER 1,000 PHOTO SETS (WITH OVER 24,000 PHOTOS) (NOT counting bonus content)
PLUS AN ADDITION 500+ TRANSPARENT PHOTO SETS (Sets with no backgrounds)

Packages range from 'teen' 'badgirl/goth/emo' 'sci-fi' 'monsters' 'strippers' 'anime' 'shemale' 'gay' and more

There are 4 licenses left for this package and once they are all sold I will be shutting down the content store (full details on that can be found on the link above)

Anyone interested in picking up a license please feel free to contact me via any of the following methods...

Email: 3DLoki(@)
Skype: LokiPorn
