We are preparing to launch and implement a new "affiliate program."

The way this .xxx referral program works is that anyone -- members, affiliates, traffic sources, ANYONE (of course over the age of 18) can tip us off on someone who has ANY of our promo content. EVEN A SIMPLE LINK to us or even a text including our website names and we will payout the traffic source:

a) $20.00 for every site that they send.
b) We give them a free 5 day membership.
c) If they are a member to us, we give them an extra 10 days comp.

d) If it is an active affiliate, we will cut them a check outside of CCBill for $25

The reason why we have implemented this is due to our expansion of trademarks. Everything is trademarked under the entities AmAd Media Distribution, SSKM-I Properties, and Sebastian's Studios. Our websites do fall under these trademarks. Essentially what we are doing is going after these .xxx webmasters and harassing the hell out of them that they are not to utilize any of our names, images, logos, text, NOTHING. It does violate our affiliate TOS, it is copyright infringement for images and videos (they have no permission), and it infringes upon our trademarks.

We did attack a site that is hosted by Godaddy. The webmaster was utilizing 2 pictures, the webmaster WAS an affiliate of ours, the webmaster did not list the .xxx domain on the signup, the affiliate would not respond to our emails, the affiliates account was canned. Then we sent DMCA's to Godaddy. Apparently he didn't listen or acknowledge Godaddy's demands... 3 days later we re-reviewed the site and it was no longer existant.

With all of this said, we are continuing to fight .xxx web-domains. We won't give up, simple as that.

I'm hoping that perhaps we may have support from the rest of the industry who are legitimate in hopes that they may do the same.