Check out this graph that details phone manufacturer profitability. Its amazing to see the transition in such a short amount of time. Nokia ruled the phone market and made nice profits but in less than 5 years they lost their spot and Apple has dominated.

"Samsung may have beaten Apple by just over 7 million unit sales, but which company turned a higher profit? In this, Apple is the winner by a sizable margin. According to a recent study by Asymco, Apple raked in a whopping 73% of all profits in the smartphone market. Samsung came in a distant second with 26%. That, you may notice, leaves a mere 1% for every other smartphone maker to share. As it turns out, though, the other smartphone makers don’t actually share that last 1%. It all goes to HTC. Every other smartphone maker – RIM, Nokia, LG, Motorola, etc. – lost money in the past quarter."

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