www.AdultBizEnglish.com - is dedicated to teaching English to people in the adult biz - models, production, office, sales, executives. It would be great if everyone in the adult biz in Europe, Asia and South America spoke English as well as others do. Please let your clients and colleagues know that we stand ready to Teach them!

English is the common language of business. English as a second language. Most companies know that in order to do better business, their staff need better English speaking and writing skills.

Our on-line English courses are one-month long, one-hour per day, five days per week. The lessons are practical, visual, with pictures and videos. It is all about hearing and speaking English, as well as reading and writing English. On-line, the students can always go back and review "yesterday's" grammar and vocabulary.

Our Introductory English course is designed for everyone. All the basic grammar - and pronunciation of grammar words. And, great practical vocabulary words. We also have Advanced and Business English courses. All of our courses are on-line, with daily lessons, which include weekly 1:1 training time via cam - desktop, tablet, mobile phone, which is about speaking and confidence building.

Also available is 1:1 coaching and practice for busy professionals, where we spend 1:1 phone or webcam time with professionals, working with them on their speaking and writing skills. Ask how to speak English better, and we will work with you on grammar, vocabulary words and pronunciation.

We also proofread websites that have been translated into English locally.