
I was here a couple months back about trying to restart my adult business. Since then I have moved interstate and it seems somewhere I have had a black cat walk under a ladder on a Full Moon.

Anyway, I am trying to move forward and get back into it.

Basically I think I want to do a site like WayBig (or similar - that is just one I visit) - as in a blog of reviews, new site promos etc.

Would a new site like this have any hope of working now - I know there are 1000's but most may be cr**y and rarely updated.

So my questions:
- Is it realistic to think a new site starting today could make 200 a month in 3 months and 1000-2000 a month in 12 months if I updated daily or scheduled posts to update 3-4x a day?
- In general do normal visitors pirate (meaning in general would a person sign up to a site they are interested in from a post or would they pirate the video). Are most people still honest, or don't know how to pirate!

- Are there any tutorials on how to start a site like this or maybe an experienced person who can guide me in exchange for some of the income.

I am happy to do the work etc, but would rather not spend 100's of hours only to find I'm doing it all wrong.

Finally, a site like say WayBig (I know they would get a lot of visitors compared to say a new site) what ballpark would they be bringing in from the one site alone - a guess - 100? 1000? 10000? a month?

Sorry for the crappy post, just frustrated.
