Hey Everyone! I am pleased to announce we have been working on a new site for our content store! Though we still have some things we are working on before we are done, not to mention its going to take us time to add all our old content as well as the new content we are working on producing and brokering for others. I would like to ask you all for some feedback on what you see so far. You can get to the site here https://trainwreckcontent.com/.
Does the site load quickly for you?
Are the search feature useful?
I know some of the watermarks are over powering and we plan to make them all look like this once we are done:
Do you all think this is better? Would these water marks discourage you from shopping in our store?

What other feedback can you share? Any feedback is helpful and appreciated. Thank you and as always if you have any current exclusive or non exclusive content needs please hit me up!