Hi Gary-Alan, thanks for the warm welcome!

In my head I'm seeing something like the cover from Springsteen's "Born in the Usa" cover, but more of a hunk type guy and hanky in pocket. Another shot: jean clad, white a-shirt couple with complimentary "opposite" code hankies ie: one has top, other bottom type thing. Maybe one is starting to lift shirt, show some abs... side view.

For a more "kinky" image I see a biker type bad ass with a collared slave, slave is somewhat kneeling, submissive, with the appropriate hanky in his back pocket.

Another thought was hankie being used to "pull in" a partner for a kiss type thing, lightly around back of neck and good eye contact from puller, and about to be kissed has eyes closed, lips parting ...

Descriptive enough?? soft chuckle