There is a new rage in American Culture, something Britain has been hip to for years. It is the rebirth of straight people as Metrosexuals. What is a Metrosexual? Well I am glad you asked!

Metrosexual: noun – a straight person who appreciates gay culture, including one or more of the following: fashion, personal hygiene, decorating, the arts, culinary arts, and social etiquette. This appreciation must come with an acceptance, not mere tolerance, for homosexuality. Ironically most meterosexuals are heterosexual men.

These tolerant and politically supportive people are breeding like, well, breeders -- thanks to hit shows like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy, Boy Meets Boy, Will and Grace, It’s All Relative, Queer As Folk, Sex in the City, Six Feet Under, and forthcoming in January, The L Word, to name just a few.

But the buzz around the rainbow community isn’t one of relief that so many heterosexuals are finally embracing queer people. In fact, some of the GLBT people are complaining that mainstream straight, white people are stealing our Queer Culture.

Whether or not you like Queer Eye for the Straight Guy and all the “Queer” shows before and after it, ask yourself this:

Have these shows done something we haven’t been able to do?
Have they promoted true empathy at last?