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Thread: Immitation is the best form of flattery

  1. #16
    Originally posted by Lee

    You know that might actually work too LOL


    hehe you people are evil!!

    but yeah I emailed him and he's been more than polite and eager to fix the issues and clean things up. Ya know I'm just an extremely easygoing guy hehe so I'm like "Whatever's clever!" Had I emailed and he responded with "fuck off!" or something, things would be different.

    But he seemed genuine and sincere enough in his desire to accomodate me and change things on his site so we'll see how it goes

  2. #17

    Well I hope you also reminded him of Poland.

    (Polish American)

  3. #18
    [QUOTE]Originally posted by BDBionic
    [B]"bust a nut" means to have an orgasm!

    for males, in particular.

    It's a term I use that has carried over from my military/fraternity days hehe. It's a straight guy thing, me thinks. But what's great is I get tons and tons of emails from JuicyGoo visitors who say they've started to use that phrase in everyday convo and referring to having an orgasm as "busting a nut" has become second nature to them. "I'm so boned right now, dude. I'm gonna bust my nut soon!"


    Down under, 'bust a nut' is used to refer to someone who gets a bit angry or excited about something

    Buggar mate, don't bust a nut over it 'eh


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