I will be doing the design by myself. He contacted me because he liked my designs. I didn't solicite him in any way although I did offer to build him an AVS site for free after he first contacted me. I have quite a few AVS sites where he is the featured performer... I figured it was the least I could do.

The sites he wants me to work on are not paysites. One is a free site that has info, sells items and upsells to his AVS protected picture galleries.

The other site is his escort info site. These are not huge projects by any stretch, but I think they would be fools not to grow this into a pay site or at least a huge Premium AVS site.

I initially will be working for free content. The initial offer is for all new sets that he produces. I am being sent 15 new sets, probably a value of around $500... and these are sets I definately would have purchased. So, I think this is a pretty fair deal.