Originally posted by Hammer
My understanding is that Gooble no longer reads meta tags, so the title and description don't appear as you write them anyway

Check the first listing on those search results Hammer

the problem with these little tricks is that they may work for a short time but then they rewrite the alogarithms, bang, you're right back where you started.
Agreed thats why to be good at SEO you have to be constantly changing the ways in which as a webmaster you do things. Check the date of this original article and the reply i gave to Luke above, youll see that because of changes i have had to change the way i do my SEO work to remain competitive with the Google engine

Not to mention the fact that it never takes long for your competitors to try the same tricks so all the listings on the page would have had the character anyway.
This was one of the reasons Google recently changed their algorythm and as mentioned above SEO work is one long continuous battle to 'outsmart' the engine.

IMO, anyone that relies on the SEs for the majority of their traffic is setting themselves up for a huge disappointment. Two cliches that come to mine are:

Here today, gone tomorrow.


Never been all your eggs in one basket.
Agreed diversification is most definately an important factor in any business not just the online adult industry, bakeries dont just sell bread like they used to some now sell dairy products and candies to remain profitable in the long term we as webmasters need to move with these changes to ensure that our business model remans profitable and diverse also

