I know once the planes start landing and the cars come rolling in, and my family all start arriving - I will not have a chance to get online.

I want to wish everyone a Safe and Happy Holiday. For those outside the US and don't know for sure, Thanksgiving is the one holiday dedicated to getting together and being thankful for what we have. And this is done by OVEREATING, DRINKING and SLEEPING!

Actually, for me it's the one holiday I do enjoy. Since my family and I moved to Florida, it's our big holiday where family come from all over and converge on my parent's house where we eat, drink, eat, drink, talk, laugh, eat, reminisce, eat and finally fall asleep from all the talking.

ANYWAY! To all celebrating, have a safe and happy day!!! I'm in charge of dessert this year, so I'm off to find the biggest and best artery clogging decandce I can find!

Hugs to all who want them!