Personally, I think the stunt was brilliant from a marketing stance. Even though she's had a couple of hits in recent years, she hasn't been a supahstah. Plus, brother mikey is getting all of the Jackson attention these days. I think they saw all of the fuss about Madonna and Britt then the Paris Hilton scandal and's a way to get people talking about Janet again.
And it worked!!!
Our traffic to our celeb sites shot through the roof, sales included. All of the boards are buzzing with janet stuff. Howard Stern said that 80 percent of his emails were about Janet.
Last night my girlfriend's mother was over for dinner and was talking about how inappropriate it was....then she said she had spent all morning looking for the pictures on the web so she could figure out what was on that breast. Ok, so a 63-year old woman spends all morning looking for a picture of Janet Jackson's boob. You can't buy that kind of publicity!!
I can't wait to see what happens at the oscar's!!