Originally posted by DigitalJay
Some yes. I don't hardly watch any movies or tv anymore though. Now if I wasn't a broke ass mutha, I might. I loved the Nightmare series when I was a kid, I still even dream about Freddy sometimes . A few nights ago even! He had me up against a wall and his breath stank really really bad. He put on a hick accent and said "I'm gonna make you squeel like a pig!" I shit you not; I woke up sweating and upset .
I love those movies. Nightmare, Friday the 13th, Halloween. I have a weakness for cheesy horror films. You should hear my friends groan in agony as we walk through the aisles at movie rental places. They're trying to get new blockbuster hit action movies or romantic comedies or movies that won 3902 Oscars but I'm pickin' out B movie hacker films like Arbor Day Massacre and She Kills At Breakfast Time and Rage Mutant Psycho Mimes goin' "oh oh oh! let's get this!"

I'm also a horror movie snob, despite it all. Like those cheesy ones I enjoy for their camp value and laughs. But when it comes to letting horror movies scare me, I'm extremely particular and picky. While my friends were practically crying in their seats in fear and horror at The Ring I was sittin' there goin' "Oh god... grow up you pussies." =/