Well I for one think XXXWriterDude made some good points, but this “4) UNHEALTHY BODY” well I do not know what gay guys you know, but most do not take care of themselves but this IMAGE/OBSESSION WITH SUPERFICIALITY is a good point I see it every day gay people that are completely out of shape and much older thinking they are attractive to people they really have nothing in common with. I know str8 people do this too, but gay people are by far worse about this stuff. I can not even take a fucking piss in a gay club with out all kinds of problems

And this UNHEALTHY FIXATION ON STRAIGHT GUYS well I can really see that. To tell the truth I would much rather date a str8 or almost totally str8 guy. I guess it could be called unhealthy in a way in another it is not. I just fit in better with str8 or really srt8 acting guys, and are much more attractive to them before I am even sure they are gay or not. I am really not into gender issues, sex flakes, or alot of the “gay community” stuff that people talk about like its something its not.