Nigritude Ultramarine SEO Challenge From Dark Blue And Search Guild.

Nigritude Ultramarine, That's the Google search term on many webmasters minds right now after the mainstream affiliate network Dark Blue teamed up with the SEO forum SearchGuild to launch a Google optimization contest.

Details of the Nigritude Ultramarine SEO contest were posted on the Search Guild forums on 07th May 2004 at 9am GMT which led to a surge of webmasters both adult and non adult setting their sights on the #1 Google listing for the search term Nigritude Ultramarine.

The Nigritude Ultramarine challenge apart from being a fun contest for members of Dark Blue and Search Guild also awards a couple of small prizes for the webmaster who is able to get the #1 listing in Google for the search term Nigritude Ultramarine on the 7th of June 2004 winning an Apple iPod and, the webmaster having the #1 listing on the 7th July 2004 for the search term Nigritude Ultramarine winning a 17" flat screen LCD monitor.

In addition to achieving the #1 spot for the 'new' term Nigritude Ultramarine the webmaster must also meet a couple of other criteria firstly, they must be a registered member on the Search Guild forums and secondly, they must also display a special graphic (which they can get from the Dark Blue affiliate network) which contains the webmasters username on the Search Guild forums for the Nigritude Ultramarine SEO competition.

For further information of the Google Nigritude Ultramarine Challenge you should head across to the Nigritude Ultramarine thread on the Search Guild forums or check out the Nigritude Ultramarine Challenge page on the Dark Blue affiliate network site.
To see who currently has the #1 listing in Google for the search term Nigritude Ultramarine please click the following link.

Less than a 24 hours to get a listing

