"A United States citizen who is married can sponsor his or her non-American spouse for immigration into this country. Those with Civil Unions have no such privilege."

There has been a bill going around for a few years now. They can't seem to get the wording right, or at the time they can't get support for it. It's now called the Uniting American Families Act, or now called the permanent partnership act. If passed, ya right, it would let Binational couples to bring in there loved ones just like the straights can do. Also it seems like for straight people, there is a waver that would let married or going to be married people with hiv into this country.

It is too bad that this country in lots of ways now has become a third world nation. Human rights, your personal freedom is slowly going away, the government isn't trusted over seas. Your phone calls might be listened in on; if you transfer money overseas it's tracked. You basically now need a passport to get back into this country. The US state Department and US Embassy's go by you are guilty to proven innocent. I herd that myself from a vic council general in KL, and the lady who runs the visa department at the state department in DC.

I blame it all on the jerks running this country, or should I say the church running this country!