Quote Originally Posted by Lee View Post
As a pioneer in producing content you should be open to new business ideas, cutting the bareback from your titles, as i have already said, WILL give you new revenue streams plus, you can condense verious titles in to new product lines (who said they had to be 'bareback' movies, i certainly didnt) and sell those also, there is a [b]HUGE[//b] market place for softcore gay nude content right now, as in, no sex, just naked guys.

No matter how you look at it, re-using existing content is a good business model, it has worked for many, many years in the online world, affiliates dont purchase a set of content, use it on one site then buy another set and do the same thing, they use the content they purchase over and over again, ad infinitum.


I guess that's why we'll never be "content providers" - we're just film makers at heart and our films are not to be cut up and censored - by us or any of our licensees