Epoch still hasn't offered any information/comments/explanation about the GayVN retreat, the scheduling of it, and the exclusion of CCBill from it... so I'm just reminding people that the company that is aggressively courting our business has so far completely avoided ANY mention of this...

For those of you who haven't read the related thread, all publicly available information indicates that AVN, Epoch, and Cybersocket got together and planned an event directly against the already-scheduled Gay Phoenix Forum, a well received, loved, and much-anticipated event.

Those in the sponsoring group that have spoken have alluded to their being other reasons, but nobody is offering up any details, so based on currently available public information, all we have to go on is appearances that indicate these companies are not interested in industrywide cooperation and unity.

I (and many others) would like to make sure that webmasters have this information available to them when making decisions about which companies are most supportive of the community as a whole, and interested in unity and cooperation.

I don't speak for anyone but myself, but I am interested in all-inclusive events in which all companies, webmasters, billers, and others related to the industry are invited to participate and support. Only in this way can our small but successful segment of the industry continue to grow and prosper.

I encourage others interested to keep bumping this thread, commenting, and reading and bumping the related ones:


until satisfactory answers or other resolution are provided to the community.