In terms of companies setting up paysites as a part of their business model?

For example, how long do you think it is going to be until ppv becomes THE thing to have in order to make money instead of recurring or subscription based business models?

I just finished a conversation with someone a few minutes ago and we were both of the mindset that pretty soon, we're going to start seeing a migration away from the recurring/subscription billing model to a more streamlined approach as an industry towards on demand/ppv or pay per download billing, however the problem with this is, the 2 main processors at the present time, simply arent equipt to facilitate this change in billing mechanism and because of this, its going to be started by a company with their own merchant account and programmers who will write the backend necessary to bill (and payout to affiliates) using newer models than what we are used to now.

So, how long do you folks think it is going to be until we start seeing 'paysites' as we currently know them, the way of the TGP?

