... on boys. guys. men. males in general.

im finding that more & more people expect me to like guys my age. why? because im 30. i cant even talk to a younger guy without getting shot down & insulted. called a troll. even just saying 'hi' gets me a dirty look and a cold shoulder.

meanwhile, anyone in their late teens or early twenties is 'allowed' to go after anyone they want. guys my age feel honored when a young one talks to them or expresses an interest, and the younger group just has a natural bond with boys their age. but god forbid someone older expresses an interest in a younger guy.

im not saying anything is wrong or right, we all have our opinions, morals & desires, and we all like different things. i just find it frustrating that its impossible to talk to anyone that im remotely attracted to or want to be friends with, simply because im 30.

so where does this leave me? some say there are plenty of younger guys who want someone my age. others say i shouldnt waste my time, because we all age, and today's 20 year old cutie is tomorrow's 30 year old troll. both are true i guess. but i like what i like, and i dont see that changing.

bleh... anyway... i could go on & on... this weekend was just weird and im feeling philosophical. i guess being single is fine.

rant over
:crybaby: :crybaby: