It has become apparent that many people have no clue about Google’s webmaster tools and I’m confused by it because there have been many topics on here that hint, mention or explain in detail how helpful Google’s “FREE” webmaster tools can be for your business.

If you haven’t yet, Please open an account with Google (free) and if nothing else, verify your website and submit a sitemap.

I would assume, once you do that you will want to look over the other tools offered by Google. All Free and have help files that go into detail on use of the tool, reason for the tool and how to track the outcome of the tool.

They also offer web stats, Search engine stats and keyword trends.

As a bonus for up to date information from their Webmaster tools, You can also read the Google blog or simply set us an aggregator and pull the feed into your WP back end or desk top widget.

Google Webmaster Tools:
Google blog:

If you run WP, you can use a WP XML sitemape plug-in that, through the admin, gives you an output Google sitemap link. (I don't use WP so someone will need to offer the plug-in name)

If you need a quick Sitemap generated for your site, Check out:

They have a FREE and a paid service. The free service will spider your site and generate a top level list (the first 500 links, sections, content it can find) and the paid service (a standalone application of 19.99) will generate an unlimited amount of links.

I hope this can help a few of you guys and good luck.