Between spending pretty much 24 hours a day at our friends house due to her partner dying on Monday, in between checking on the bar for her to make sure everything is okay and several memorial services, i havent had time to think for myself and its starting to wear me down.

It seems like every time i touch the computer over the past few days i get a phone call or text message asking me to go somewhere or do something to help out and whilst i dont mind helping, it seems like Gary and I are the only ones really doing much of anything *important*.

Right now im currently printing out flyers for the bar about the funeral service and 3rd memorial on Sunday so that people actually know what is going on and ive just received another 3 text messages in the time it took me to write this section of the post asking whats happening this weekend.

To top it all off, we have a really bad Red Tide outbreak right now so im feeling like shit health wise anyway and i havent been sleeping well the last week because of all this funeral stuff going on, it sounds bad but i really cant wait to get this all over and done with so i can actually get some *ME* time and do some work.

Sorry folks, just had to vent before i reply to these messages and go to bed for a few hours before having to be up at 6am to go feed our friends dog and take them out for a walk.

