Having a total mental block, so thought I'd put it out there and see if I can get some new ideas. Thanks in advance!

I'm redesigning the tour for dixter.com to feature its 50something exclusive videos. We're not shooting any more content for the site, so I have to design the tour to maximize on the content that we already have. We'll be adding 2-3 non-exclusive videos to the member's area per week to maintain good member retention, but these won't appear on the tour. We're just adding them to help with retention.

What I'd like to do is to have the tour cycle through these 50something videos so that the tour doesn't start to look stale. My thinking is to have about 20-30 of the vids on the tour at any given time, and then cycle through the other vids once per week.

Thoughts? Should I go with a simple three-page reality tour with about 6 episodes per page? Should I opt out for a static tour like BSB? Should I keep the 'pictures' and 'models' sections?

Thanks guys!