We've been following Collin O'Neal on Facebook and Twitter. Apparently, the porn industry has ruined his life according to Collin O'Neal via Facebook.

Facebook: facebook (dot) com/home.php#!/profile.php?id=100000119665333
Twitter: twitter (dot) com/#!/search/worldofmen

He's mentioned on his facebook wall multiple times he's wanted to go onto CNN to speak of exactly how his porn career has ruined his life and his Masters Degree according to his Facebook.

Well, tonight he is on CBS in the southern Florida news.

Needless to say, we've yanked our affiliate tools to promote him. Since he's started babbling all of this the sales to his mygaycash.com administered site have dropped from many to zero. Even clicks have dropped pretty dramatically.
In relation we will always remain a mygaycash affiliate. They really convert nicely.

If the porn career has ruined his life (according to him) why would he even continue to produce. In a sense, I'm really uncomfortable with his rational statements.