NEW YORK — DominicFord announced today that it has published an interactive iBook that uses iBooks 2.0 for Apple’s iPad.

The company said “Inside Dominic Ford” was developed for Apple's original text book format, but feels the platform's interactivity is a way to reach a new audience.

Why a Dominic Ford iBook?

We are always finding new ways to tell our story, and bring you the freshest content and hottest boys. A lot of people ask me for "insider" information or behind-the-scenes glimpses into our movies. The iBook format is perfect for me to do that. Volume I, which is out now, brings exclusive photos and video directly to your iPad. In it, you'll get:

A behind-the-scenes look at who I am, what is, and what makes me tick.
Insight into what I look for in a model
Funny anecdotes about things that happened when the cameras were off
Never Seen Before Blooper Reel with Matthew Rush and Preston Steel
My take on 3D and why it is both a blessing and a curse.
An exclusive promotion code for both a membership and a discount off our store.

“We have never done much in the way of non-web publication. This format allows us to experiment with print layouts, but with the added bonus of adding terrific interactivity. Volume I of ‘Inside Dominic Ford’ offers a short glimpse of who I am, what makes me tick, and what I’m doing with There are exclusive photo galleries included in the book, and also video.”

Ford said he has kept kept Volume I short to make the download time quick. "If there is interest in future volumes, they might be longer or include even more video in them.”

The iBook also contains an exclusive promotion to

Click here to download the iBook.