A new study called "45 and Up" has concluded that sitting down all day is bad for your health! The study of 220,000 people aged 45 and up looked at mortality rates among those who sit for many hours a day.

Their conclusion was that if you spend 11+ hours a day sitting, your chance of dying in the next 3 years is a startling 40% higher than those that are more active. Even if you cut that back to 8+ hours a day, the study concluded that you have a 15% higher chance of dying in the same period.

The main reasons for this increase in death are a combination of a sedentary lifestyle / obesity, plus some more profound physiological issues created by sitting for many hours a day.

"Shorter sitting times and sufficient physical activity are independently protective against all-cause mortality not just for healthy individuals but also for those with cardiovascular disease, diabetes, overweight, or obesity," said the authors. Read further info at http://archinte.ama-assn.org/cgi/con...hort/172/6/494

So get off your butt and do something, you will not only feel better but odds now show you will also live longer!