i have original, sizzlin', never-before-seen, fresh 'n juicy, top-notch amateur video material just screamin' for the net. the problem is i'm not sure how to get it ready for the net. here my questions:

1. to market them on my site, is streaming or download better?

2. which costs me more? (streaming, i suppose?)

3. if streaming is the better option, is windows media or real player the better form? (i suppose you can forget quicktime anyway, or not?)

4. what do the consumers want? (downloads, i suppose?)

5. what are the advantages / disadvantages of either?

6. what would be an acceptable file size for web video of, for argument's sake, say, 10 min. does this differ if it's for streaming or download (my guess would be no, it doesn't differ)

my thanks to all who know what they're talking about and take the time to answer.
