
Originally posted here:

Quote Originally Posted by ScottMN
hehe thanks for the warm welcome. You seem pretty sure they don't work - been investing heavily in penis enlargement solutions have we?

Actually, our products do work, otherwise I wouldn't sell them. I don't believe in duping people into spending their money. We run a forum for all of our clients where they can trade tips, advice, etc (kind of like here but about...penises). They also post their results freely. We don't pay anyone to be there, even the moderators and there are no fake posters. Check it out

Any other questions or comments - fire away
Ok, I wasn't going to do this, but the company is doing EXACTLY what I feared they'd do. If you want to lie to the surfers that get thrown to your website, and have them waste their hard earned money on your crap, that's fine. However, coming HERE, and trying to sell your snake oil to webmasters, is another matter entirely. I absolutely DESPISE this type of practice.

Convince the webmasters here that your snake oil works, so they can convince surfers, so that you make money (a LOT of it) on stuff that does nothing for people who are already insecure about themselves. And shame on Lee for even taking your advertising money too! One has to wonder if he gave a damn about the webmasters on here, why he'd be allowing a company like yours to attempt to so blatantly manipulate them.

Quote Originally Posted by ScottMN
hehe thanks for the warm welcome. You seem pretty sure they don't work - been investing heavily in penis enlargement solutions have we?
Wow, that's the exact tactic that doctors say you guys use to discourage people from suing you about these pills. And no, I'm certainly not insecure about myself, and I have an IQ over 12, so have never "invested" in pills.

Do Penis Enlargement Pills Work?
"Answer: They do not work. And few customer complaints ever occur because no one wants to be the plaintiff in a case against the companies that offer these bogus products."
- Louanne Cole Weston, Ph.D. clinical sex researcher
"Natural methods are complete nonsense"
- Dr. Drew Host of the famous "Love Line"
"pills don't work"
Dr. E. Douglas Whitehead, clinical professor of urology at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine
"No pill or potion can enlarge your sex organ, so don't waste your money."
Michael Castleman - author of 10 consumer health books and has written about sexuality for numerous magazines and web sites.

Why don't I see the names of any doctors on your website that say how well your product works? Oh, I know why. They want to keep their medical licenses!

Quote Originally Posted by ScottMN
They also post their results freely.
I don't need to visit another webboard to know that there are a lot of misguided, insecure, or just plain stupid people in the world.

Other penis pill companies (that are in the US) are facing class action lawsuits, have been raided by the FEDS, and are under active criminal investigations, AS ARE SOME OF THEIR AFFILIATES!

Oh, guess what? All of them had websites with all sorts of people posting their amazing results too. Imagine that.

In the wake of the major online pharmacy busts, I'm starting to see other online adult businesses pulling all ads for anything health related, including enhancements and other herbals, in order to protect the unknowing webmasters that visit them.

I think it's sad that such a great resource as GWW is headed in the opposite direction of trying to push penis enlargement pill affiliate programs and the like (what next? debt solution?). One would think Lee would profit far more by trying to market programs to his members that they can actually believe in. Many people try promoting programs that they see advertised on GWW simply because of the reputation of this resource. Selling away your business respectability and integrity for a few hundred dollars a month seems awfully cheap to me.......

There are plenty of ways to make plenty of money in this business without having to resort to ripoffs....