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Thread: 10 things about you no one knew

  1. #1

    10 things about you no one knew

    Well - let me start

    1) I use to be a minister and spent 7 years in a seminary
    2) Boxers
    3) I have been in this industry for 9 years
    4) I own a molucaan cockatoo
    5) I do not beleive in past lives - not now - not in 1867 not in 1721 nor in 1549 or 1253....
    6) Babysitting my niece when she was a baby, I used adhesive tape when I couldnt get her diapers to stay up - alot of it
    7) In seminary I played a joke on a pastor by pretending to masturbate in the toilet then sprayed mayo all over him
    8) Regarding sex - Im just like every other guy - oven mitts, spatchula, KY Jelly and a Shop Vac
    9) I refer to newfoundland sheep farmers as Pimps
    10) Funny thing about meeting porn stars - their personality usually destroys any fantasy I may have had about them and cant stand seeing any more vid's with them in it.

  2. #2
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    Nov 2003
    Hey! We know #4 --- so you're short one! LOL

  3. #3
    1. My favortie bands are Arch Enemy and Judas Priest.
    2. I've lost 35 lbs in 4 months on the Suzanne Sommers diet.
    3. I have appeared on Much Music as a Heavy Metal expert.
    4. I once shagged an entire Soccer Team.
    5. I write for a Heavy Metal magazine called "Brave Words and Bloody Knuckles".
    6. I have a tattoo on the back of my head.
    7. I have a pierced dick.
    8. I've read "Harry Potter & The Goblet of Fire" 25 times.
    9. I have a motorcycle licence, but can't drive a car.
    10. I wrote a phony obituary and police report of my murder for the local newspaper in the town I grew up in to get out of being invited to a high school reunion.

  4. #4
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
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    Originally posted by Jasun
    I once shagged an entire Soccer Team.
    Did the team have Seaman and Beckham in it? LOL



  5. #5
    lots of seamen, actually... the same thing I liked about fleet week in Halifax.

  6. #6
    Originally posted by LdyLnWolf1
    Hey! We know #4 --- so you're short one! LOL

    I was married. heres a wedding photo.. divorced around 5 years ago

  7. #7
    Direct Holly

    LOL I love this question

    Hmm ok here I will try

    1. I once accepted a guy's marriage proposal and then sold the ring...he was the biggest jerk
    2. I have 2 tatoos, a belly button and tongue ring
    3. I am a HUGE Janet Jackson fan
    4. Even though I always seem happy and very socialable on the outside often I just want to hide in my apartment
    5. My dad died on Christmas
    6. I have been in this industry for 3 years
    7. I was once arrested for assualt but the charges were phoney and the case was thrown out
    8. I tried to have sex with a guy before
    9. I like to give sex better the recieve (guess that makes me a top)
    10. I cry alot during sad movies

  8. #8
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
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    West Hollywood, Ca
    #1 I’m nice to a fault. When people are mad at me it bugs me until I confront them on it and fix it.

    #2 I finished high school at 15 years old.

    #3 I like kissing women

    #4 People scare me. A LOT! The more I learn about them, the more I want to hide in my room

    #5 I understand Chinese. (Can’t reply back yet.)

    #6 I learned a lot about life and really loving someone and myself from my 19 year old boyfriend

    #7 I admire drag queens for their balls to do it no matter how much everyone jokes about them

    #8 I grow exotic orchids from around the world

    #9 I am a huge sci-fi nut.

    #10 I do not celebrate Christmas or new years because my grandmother became sick on dec 24th, and died on jan 1st
    You'll get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 then you'll get with just a kind word.

    Stunner Media Presents 8 great programs:
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  9. #9
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    1. I'm the oldest of 6 kids. My Sister is gay, 2 brothers should be. (which proves the genetic gene is carried from Mother ... as they're all half-siblings)

    2. I'm the perpetual student, I love learning new things.

    3. Like Holly, I tried having sex with a guy once ...but didn't.

    4. Holidays are hard, grew up with an alcoholic stepdad who always ruined them, and my father passed away Dec.31st after a very short illness.

    5. I owned my own photography studio for 16 years, and actually did it full time for over 8.

    6. When I wasn't doing photography my career path consisted of food service management, either in restaurants or health care.

    7. Currently unemployed (3 years) as a result of a car accident and bypass surgery within 2 years of each other. SSI says I'm fine though.

    8. My deepest heart dream has always been to be a successful writer. I love anything Sci-Fi or Fantasy.

    9. First sex with a girl was in a Girl Scout camp in Maine... I'd just turned 18.

    10. My first ever website is now one of the largest resources for lesbian art and literature on the net. Over 800 pages, avg of 8 million unique visitors a year, often copied in concept, even down to it's name ... and I can't even make a dime with it!

  10. #10
    Moderator Bec's Avatar
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    Rob --- you are one sexy looking guy in a tux!

  11. #11
    Originally posted by LdyLnWolf1
    Rob --- you are one sexy looking guy in a tux!
    IM blushing all the way to vegas

  12. #12
    virgin by request ;) Chilihost's Avatar
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    My turn:

    1) I can't count


  13. #13
    I like AndyMike -- I think he looks *really* cute (blush) Any chance of a bigger picture?

    1/ When I was 19 I made a documentary about our local cinema closing down and 22 years later that film remains one of the things I am most proud of in my life.

    2/ I used to keep pet rats (love em).

    3/ I have been in this business since 1997 and worked writing illustrated features for magazines before that.

    4/ From the ages of 16 to about 33 I had a big thing about British Army uniform but then the interest wore off a lot.

    5/ I have appeared on national TV in the UK three times and have a collection of 1700 off-air VHS tapes.

    6/ I was in a relationship for eight-and-a-half years but have been pretty much single for the almost 12 years since then.

    7/ My favourite colour is purple.

    8/ My great great great grandfather ran away from Britain, joined the US Cavalry and never came back. But his son did.

    9/ I own two butt plugs and three dildos. But that doesn't mean I use them much :-)

    10/ Though I am quite sceptical about the paranormal, I have had a number of spooky 'coincidental' experiences that I can't explain.

  14. #14
    On the other hand.... You have different fingers dirtygeek's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    West Hollywood, Ca
    Originally posted by RickUK
    I like AndyMike -- I think he looks *really* cute (blush) Any chance of a bigger picture?
    Awww Rick, thanks =o)
    You'll get more with a kind word and a 2 by 4 then you'll get with just a kind word.

    Stunner Media Presents 8 great programs:
    IndieBucks | StandAhead | BoyCrushCash | Phoenixxx | <a href="">Hunk Money</a> | <a href="">British Bucks</a> | <a href="">Emo Profits</a> | <a href="">Latino Bucks</a>

  15. #15
    Yup that confirms it -- really cute! :-) Thanks for the pic. You have gorgeous eyes!

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