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Thread: An Update on Rocky's Love Life, for any who care...

  1. #16
    throw fundamentalists to the lions chadknowslaw's Avatar
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    Phoenix, Arizona
    There are 6 Billion people on Earth. If someone is 1 in a Million, that means there are 6,000 guys Exactly Like Him running around on the planet. Given those odds, having a guy you think is just right for you leave is not really such a traumatic event. There are 5,999 like him still out there.

    Each guy I have dated helps bring me closer to understanding what I really want--I learn from each one. The next one is always better suited for me than the last.

    Breaking up sucks. Having a great guy leave you sucks even worse, but if you take the time to grieve the loss without throwing yourself into a downward emotional spiral, you get to move on. I used to not believe the people that would tell me, "You will get over him."

    Now I know that they are right. Every time.
    Chad Belville, Esq
    Phoenix, Arizona
    Keeping you out of trouble is easier than getting you out of trouble!

  2. #17
    It's weird that one group would take refracted light. Pretty greedy, gays. EonFilms_Rocky's Avatar
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    San Diego
    Quote Originally Posted by chadknowslaw
    Each guy I have dated helps bring me closer to understanding what I really want--I learn from each one. The next one is always better suited for me than the last.
    It is for this exact reason that I know what I am looking for, and have found it.

    I am not grieving, however, and am in no danger of going in some downward spiral. I love him, so I let him go. if he comes back to me, then it was meant to be.


    AIM: EonFilmsSDiego
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  3. #18
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    New Orleans, Louisiana.
    Sorry to hear that Rocky that surely does suck

    On the plus side though, it means you get to have more wild un-inhibited sex with strangers you meet in the clubs if thats any consolation for the time being

    Just make sure you are there for the guy when he needs you next, im sure he is going to need you in the future once he realizes what a loser he is with atm



  4. #19
    You do realize by 'gay' I mean a man who has sex with other men?'s Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2004
    Sorry to hear that Rocky. Hang in there, things will get better.

    * - If you can't convert us you better look for a new job!

  5. #20

    Life is what you make it

    Quote Originally Posted by EonFilms_Rocky
    It is for this exact reason that I know what I am looking for, and have found it.

    I am not grieving, however, and am in no danger of going in some downward spiral. I love him, so I let him go. if he comes back to me, then it was meant to be.


    i know that it's hard when you love someone and they leave but at least you can accept it and live by that motto that if it was meant to be he will come back to you...most people never grasp that concept and just go into a self destructive downward spiral...just remember everything happens for a reason...time will heal

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